Saturday, December 27, 2014

Feeding Time



          Feeding birds off our patio has been enjoyable for many years now.  We get quite the variety appearing to eat their fill each day.  They have been learning when and where to eat, and I do even believe they tell their feathered friends to come on over.  Here we have an Evening Grosbeak, a Steller's Jay, and a California Quail - all beautiful creations of our Lord who is the Master of design.  It is the idea, though, of learning where to eat that I focus on here.  Spiritually speaking, where do you eat?  Where do you feed?  Who do you listen to?  What do you read?

          Have you noticed that there is today a gigantic amount of books floating around?  Do you wade through the shelves or the website and then quit because there are just too many to pick from?  How do we even pick a book to read with so many choices?  It is a difficult thing to do.  The one thing we can know is that reading our Bible is the best and first book to read and absorb.  But after that, what or who is going to mentor you?  That is really what to think about.  You become like who you spend time with, whether movies, books, media, or people.    My challenge today for you is to ask God what He wants you to be like, to become.  What has He designed you to be?  The decision on what to read follows thinking about what you want to become, and that cuts down a lot of book choices.  And, if your life is like mine, you do not have an overabundance of time to read in the first place.  There again, that cuts down a lot of book choices.  We want to use time wisely and invest it so that we get good returns for our choices.  We want to become that person of character that fulfills God's design for us.  This makes picking books or speakers much easier for us.  We then eat what God wants us to eat and become what He wants us to become.   Where we eat matters.                       K.C.                                                                                                                                                          


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Logging Together

          Afternoon at the pond logging together - Brenda (missionary friend) and I were walking through the park and came upon this scene.  I thought this was so cute and so reminded me of us as people.  Looks like quite a session of chatting, comparing notes, pushing each other around.  And one of these critters is even at rest!  It is a firm bet that all these on the log do not always see eye to eye.

          Studying Hebrews 10:24 - 25 this week has reminded me of this picture taken in the fall when it was still beautiful and sunny.  "Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."  Definitions of words create visual pictures that go beyond the mere words.  Here's the meaning of the verse using word definitions.    Unless we are together there is no way to provoke, agitate, stir up each other to agape love - love that is not self-seeking, but whose pattern is the Cross of Christ.  That is the kind of love we are to help each other attain, and it cannot be done unless we are in community activity.  This is not a leader led activity but is supposed to be what we do together all the time.  Interesting that when we are together friction happens occasionally with different opinions, focuses, and giftings.  So we as people tend to withdraw or leave, but when we do we are missing the very thing God intends to accomplish!
God means to create a Body of believers with one heart.   He does this with totally different kinds of people that center their lives, activities, and interests on making Jesus King.

          This week have you "considered" how to log together?                                                     K.C.