Definitely, the birds needed a new feeding station! But, alas, after we built a new one, it took them quite a while to not be suspicious of it. The old one had character and was well used. It fit the garden. It wasn't scary. Even if it had holes in the roof, it was home. For weeks the birds refused to go near and eat from the new feeder. Until the fall came the birds stayed away. As the flowerbeds became bare, one by one, the birds ventured toward the platform to nibble. Now they are flocking to it each morning.
This sure is a picture of us. We like our habits, our settled life. No changes for me, thank you.
I like security and safety, no surprises or unexpected change. The problem is that life just isn't like that. Wherever do we get stuck off track? God's goodness and faithful care gets taken for granted, and then we forget the main point of life - Him. We pay more attention to His gifts than to Him. Our roof has holes in it. God knows our heart, He knows our soul. I think what He wants is for us to see our own heart. When things are taken away that we depend on, our heart and soul are seen bare and open. We see the truth about our true desire and our true need for depending on God. Oh, for a heart that desires God alone! A heart that depends on the Sovereignty of God. I am coming to the conclusion that most of the trials we go through in life are to reveal what we really believe about God's Sovereignty. He is in control, and is never out of control, of each detail of our life. His desire is that we depend on His great love and care for our lives. His goodness and plan will bring about His purposes for us. He wants a holy roof for us!
And His purpose for us is always good and for our best, right? K.C.