This month illness has taken quite a few days of life. Days of just being down and hurting. But one day I started noticing the house was dirty, and it hit me that a sign of healthy life is seeing dirt! I was actually happy to see dirt which meant I was starting to feel better. In the spiritual realm it is a good sign of healthy life if one sees "dirt" or sin. It is a sign that God's Spirit is at work and that our spirit is responding to Him. A healthy spirit is glad to take sin to God's throne. But when we are apathetic we don't care about our sin much less desire to get rid of it. So seeing "dirt" is a sign of life.
More dirt.....
In between illness we dug what was left in the raised beds before the cold temperatures froze vegetables. Potatoes and carrots looked great still growing in the rich dirt. Muddy hands and tools caked with dirt from digging didn't bother us at all. Dirt is a good thing. It produces great food especially when you bring all kinds of mulch and amendments to it. It is a sign of life.
So seeing "dirt" is a many varied thing.
And more dirt.....
This week our dear Muffin died, the last of our
pets. She was 16 or 17, and many memories are
attached to her. The kids loved those kitties and
really they became more like dogs following us
around always wanting to be near. We buried
her in our pet graveyard in the dirt. Yes, it was
a sad week. Dirt once more came to the forefront. There is something about digging a
grave that is very sobering. Sin has affected all
of creation and dirt reminds us of where we
started and where we end.
miscarried. I placed some holly on their grave and dirt
again came to mind. God never wants us to get too
far from dirt it seems. Dirt is a humbling thing, it is a
sobering thing, it is a growing thing, and it is even a promise.
God tells us that we are His earthen vessel, made of dirt, that the excellence of the power may be of Him and not of us. We know that He who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus. May our thanksgiving
abound to the glory of God. (Romans 4)
Let dirt teach you it's many lessons. K.C.