Monday, November 14, 2016

Life in the Midst

          Autumn is a time of reflection.  As I watch the leaves turn brilliant gold and start to fall,  it reminds me that the "leaves" of my life are starting to fall also.  It all happens in the midst of life where one is so busy doing so many "important" things.  And then, all of a sudden, you are old!  This lovely ornamental cherry tree looks especially nice in spring when it blossoms gorgeous,  pink draping petals.  Then in the fall right before the branches are bare,  it shines gloriously!  We haven't had a frost yet which make the trees even more brilliant and striking.  Frosts seem cold and harsh, yet the frost is what makes for a beautiful tree.  This is just as it is in our lives -  struggles and trials forge strength and depth as well as compassion and love in our souls.

          The "important" things that we are so busy with -  changing diapers, doing dishes, vacuuming, solving disputes between siblings, reading storybooks, wiping noses, doing endless loads of laundry, making millions of meals,  baking birthday cakes, calming fears, playing games, growing a garden together and snapping green beans, freezing corn, rocking fussy babies, serving others together, loving Jesus together, and on and on - these are "important" things that fill our lives and have filled my life.  Little things, endless things.  We tend to wonder when we are going to do really "important work".  But after all these years, I am convinced that although most of our world scorns these things, indeed,  these are the most important things of life!  Life is not made up of big, monumental things, but it is made up of hundreds and millions of little things.  Giving my all to be faithful in the little things each day adds up to a brilliant glow at the end of my life.  The battle to believe this is huge in the heart, and not easily conquered.  It takes a visionary soul and takes an understanding trust in Jesus that goes beyond comprehension.  We will be rewarded for giving a cup of cold water in Jesus' name. And if Jesus rewards us for one cup, what will His reward be for millions of cups!

          Take heart, with joy and gratefulness do the "important" things in life.  Shine ever brighter as you age and know that Jesus is watching you with tender love.  Not only is He watching, He is applauding!  So few desire to be faithful in the little things.  So many desire to do the big things.  Jesus wonders if you will humble yourself to do the little thing.  He was the servant and demonstrated how to do the little thing.  Will you do the "work" that counts for eternity?                