Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Glory

I’m addicted!  Each spring as the trees display their radiant glow, it is like I have never seen them before!  I look forward to their magnificent display every year. Today is Easter and their beauty shines forth. It is as if to celebrate and rejoice that indeed, Christ has risen!  The trees are clapping their hands and showing the glory of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ!  I invite you to listen carefully to the Lord God of all the earth, and let your soul delight itself in His abundance.  His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts so far above ours that He is able to send forth His Word to accomplish whatever He pleases.  God invites us to turn to Him and He will abundantly pardon us, showering His mercy on us.  We shall go out with joy and be led with peace.  Even as the mountains and hills break forth into singing before us and all the trees of the field clap their hands, so will we be blessed by God’s everlasting covenant of His lovingkindness.  The gift of salvation is such a glorious gift given by the shed blood of Jesus on the cross, that my response is one of total awe that He would offer His gift to me.  It makes me sing and shout!  

So I’ve decided this is a great addiction, an addiction to worship, one that brings glory to our Lord!  I do believe He loves us being addicted to Him and His Word.  What a marvelous Savior we have, full of mercy and faithfulness, lovingkindness and grace.  And that is what the trees are doing today, singing and shouting praises to God our King!
                                                                                                           (Isaiah 55 thoughts)  KC