The hope of heaven seems closer everyday! Just like these hostas are pushing their way out of their earthly pots, soon we will be leaving our earthly vessel. This year we have been slowly reading and meditating on Charles Spurgeon and Randy Alcorn’s thoughts on heaven in a book, We Shall See God. What a treasure house of nuggets about heaven! Keeping heaven in our line of sight changes our perspective while living on earth. Absorbing thoughts on heaven this year has changed me more than anything in a long time. What does it matter that someone hurt my feelings? I’m going to heaven! Losing friends? Oh well, I’m headed to heaven. Deep friendships will be among God’s greatest gifts in heaven. For what reason would I press my agenda on another person? Argue with my husband? No, not worth the time and effort, since I’m soon going to heaven. I’m putting my focus on Jesus’ agenda and plan. We will have no sin, no sorrow, no pain, no conflict, no lack of anything in heaven.
Growing in our knowledge and relationship with God helps us see everything, everyone, ourselves, and events from a different lens. We long for others to know our Savior, we long to share the hope of heaven. We long for others to know the freedom God brings to the soul. We long for enjoyment of God together. A growing view of heaven enables and strengthens us to press on toward the goal. These are some of the thoughts running around in my mind this year. Then on Sunday our Pastor Dee’s message was “Think on Heaven.” The 18 points he talked about have been on my mind this year. For instance, “What we think about determines how we act, how we feel, and our basic attitudes.” “Our character and behavior is greatly impacted by what we think about most of the time.” “The more we think about heaven the more we will grow spiritually.” “We need to remind ourselves every time we experience pain, every time that we see ugliness, every time we feel sad, that we are going to heaven soon.” Colossians 3:1 - 4 surely is God’s timely admonition for us in these days. “…Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth….”
My roots are pushing me toward heaven as I see the chaos and conflict on earth. There is an urge in my soul, a longing and desire, to get ready. Heaven is close. Are you ready?