Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Making Salad

     Two of my cherubs decided to make salad one afternoon recently.  Bringing their play dishes and utensils into the living room corner, they proceeded to "trim" the maidenhair fern.  It had been one of those challenging plants to coax into lush beauty and was doing very well.  Well, it is now half-lush and has quite a few black slender stalks sticking straight up.  Walking into the room, I caught my breath, and went blank.  What does one say?  Hmmm.  Listening to the cherubs giggle and serve their salad to each other was quite the scene to behold and left me speechless.   I'm thinking we children of God enjoy quite a few things that cause our Father to wince.   Our earthly choices sometimes reveal our immaturity, even though we enjoy making "salad".  What is so amazing to me, is our Lord's patience with us!  He doesn't yank us back or yell at us or discipline us all the time.  He teaches us through His Word, He draws us by His lovingkindness, He understands that we are but a flower fading.  As we grow in Christ's love, sometimes we look back and wince at the salad we played with.  Let us be patient with those who are still making "salad".  We were there once.  And today we are making a new "salad", just a bit different from the one we made 10 or 20 years ago.  But it is still "salad" to God.  I guess the challenge here for me is to humble myself and realize that my Lord is patient with me, and so I should be toward others.  I grabbed a garbage bag,  gathered up the remnants of the fern, and went to play with the cherubs.                                                           K.C.

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