Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Blow upon my Garden

          "... Blow upon my garden, that its spices may flow out.  Let my beloved come to His garden and
                eat its pleasant fruits."     Song of Solomon 4:16                       

          Mmmmmm.  Can you smell that roasted Italian tomato sauce permeating the house with luscious warmth?  From garden to oven, from Cuisenart to freezer bags for the winter, this is one of our favorites.  Spices thoroughly change our blah meals to delightful mouth watering deliciousness.
How many of us ever sit down to eat a bowl of basil or cinnamon?  How about a bowl of pepper or oregano?  Nutmeg or a bowl of Balsamic vinegar?  No, I haven't heard of anyone eating a bowl of spice.  Such valuable and needed elements in our lives, yet needed to be used in the right way.  Spices literally change our food when used properly.  

          Look up the word "spice" in Scripture and you will find amazing thoughts!  Spice, fragrance, perfume;  this item was highly prized in Scripture.  Spices were one of the gifts to Solomon from the Queen of Sheba, and was a feature in the king's storehouses.  It was an ingredient in the anointing oil and fragrant incense used in the Tabernacle.  Spices are listed in Revelation 18 when the merchants of the earth mourn over their loss of merchandise.  In the book of John, Mary anointed Jesus' feet with spikenard, a very expensive fragrant oil.  Jesus' body was wrapped in rich spices before burial.  Throughout history, spices have been highly prized and sought after.  

         Our senses perk up to spices . Picking fresh leaves of basil leave an amazing aroma in the air as well as on your taste buds and fingers.  Our lives take on the flavor of spices we absorb, too.  Jesus said in His Sermon that we are to be the salt of the earth and not to lose our flavor.  And it is our flavor that influences other people around us.  If you are like me, you want people to perk up to the living Christ who lives in you.  It is not me, but Jesus in me, who is the Spice of fragrance and flavor.  So, the more I soak up Jesus and His great grace and love, the more I am able to be spice to people.  

         These are just musings from the garden that make me think about Jesus' great love and His amazing ways!  Which spice do you love?  How do you want to smell to others?                      K.C. 

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