Friday, April 28, 2017

Fruitful Vines

          It is already the end of April!  How did that happen?  It happened when I was studying the book of Psalms.  What a book!  Always having loved and lived in Psalms and having God speak to me through it, did not prepare me for actually studying it.  Studying it has made me question whether I have ever really read it!  We simply don't take enough time to study.  God meets me in a special deep way when I delve into His Word.

          This week Psalm 128 has been in focus.  The man (or woman) who fears the Lord and walks in His ways is blessed - or as the Theological Wordbook says - that one is to be envied with desire.  It is not God doing the blessing here.  It is the result of fearing God, putting Him first, centering my life around Him and His ways.   Now that is something to meditate on, isn't it?

          Verse 3 says the wife shall be like a fruitful vine.  I've been thinking about that in light of the vines around our house.  We have grapevines, trumpet vines, akebia vines.  And each of them require support to grow to their full glory.  When a branch sets forth on it's journey it reaches for the sky and stretches out for the world.  If it continues on, eventually it will drop to the ground, only to be stomped on, muddied, bug-eaten, and worthless of the purpose it's Creator desired.  The fruit will be spoiled and thrown away.  It struck me that this is a picture of the wife who desires her own glory and wants her own way, demanding others make her happy and obeying her wishes.  Eventually that wife will crash and wonder what happened.  But God has an order to His family.  Fearing and honoring and reverencing and obeying Him only brings bliss - that's blessing!

          As the vines are growing I lift them up to encourage their twining around the support provided for them.  Isn't that a wonderful scene of the Heavenly Father lifting us up to the support of His Word and twining strongly around His ways.  It isn't about the husband, you wives, it is about you and your relationship with Jesus, the Living Word.  Sometimes there is a strong resistance from a branch who wants its own way.  Nothing I do helps it obey.  Oh the future heartache of that branch!

          Lord, help me to be supple and pliable in Your hands as You lift me up,  train me, and produce fruit in me.    Fruitful vines always lean on the support of Your Word.                 K.C.                                                                                                

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