Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fresh Growth


Beautiful fresh growth!  Beautiful creation!  Beautiful change!  We are looking for fresh growth and continuing change in our hearts as we follow our Lord Jesus Christ.  Our women at CBC have as their purpose in life:

LOVING the God of the Word
LEARNING the Word of God
LEANING on the character of God
LIVING in light of God's Word
As we grow in this purpose, it affects every relationship with the presence of our Lord.  We long for the fragrance of our Lord Jesus to penetrate not only our lives but also those around us.  Our Lord Jesus has made us all very different, and yet we need each other.  The graceful lilac in this picture would not be nearly as striking if the perky chives were not there creating a contrast.  And so it is with each of us.  God's handiwork is shown in much variety through His creation and through us.  You never know what beauty God will create in you when you grow and learn together.  We are so grateful for God's Word that teaches us His wonderful lovingkindness sought us for fellowship so that we can live in fellowship together.  Keep asking for fresh growth in your heart!                K.C.