Saturday, December 31, 2016

Musings on Dirt

This month illness has taken quite a few days of life.  Days of just being down and hurting.  But one day I started noticing the house was dirty, and it hit me that a sign of healthy life is seeing dirt!  I was actually happy to see dirt which meant I was starting to feel better.  In the spiritual realm it is a good sign of healthy life if one sees "dirt" or sin.  It is a sign that God's Spirit is at work and that our spirit is responding to Him.  A healthy spirit is glad to take sin to God's throne.  But when we are apathetic we don't care about our sin much less desire to get rid of it.   So seeing "dirt" is a sign of life.  

More dirt.....
In between illness we dug what was left in the raised beds before the cold temperatures froze vegetables.  Potatoes and carrots looked great still growing in the rich dirt.  Muddy hands and tools caked with dirt from digging didn't bother us at all.  Dirt is a good thing.  It produces great food especially when you bring all kinds of mulch and amendments to it.  It is a sign of life.

So seeing "dirt" is a many varied thing.  

And more dirt.....

This week our dear Muffin died, the last of our
pets.  She was 16 or 17, and many memories are
attached to her.  The kids loved those kitties and
really they became more like dogs following us
around always wanting to be near.  We buried
her in our pet graveyard in the dirt.  Yes, it was
a sad week.  Dirt once more came to the forefront.  There is something about digging a
grave that is very sobering.  Sin has affected all
of creation and dirt reminds us of where we
started and where we end.

Nearby is also the grave of 8 grandbabies that were
miscarried.  I placed some holly on their grave and dirt
again came to mind. God never wants us to get too
far from dirt it seems. Dirt is a humbling thing, it is a
sobering thing, it is a growing thing, and it is even a promise.

God tells us that we are His earthen vessel, made of dirt, that the excellence of the power may be of Him and not of us.  We know that He who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus.  May our thanksgiving
abound to the glory of God.     (Romans 4)

Let dirt teach you it's many lessons.                        K.C.    

Monday, November 14, 2016

Life in the Midst

          Autumn is a time of reflection.  As I watch the leaves turn brilliant gold and start to fall,  it reminds me that the "leaves" of my life are starting to fall also.  It all happens in the midst of life where one is so busy doing so many "important" things.  And then, all of a sudden, you are old!  This lovely ornamental cherry tree looks especially nice in spring when it blossoms gorgeous,  pink draping petals.  Then in the fall right before the branches are bare,  it shines gloriously!  We haven't had a frost yet which make the trees even more brilliant and striking.  Frosts seem cold and harsh, yet the frost is what makes for a beautiful tree.  This is just as it is in our lives -  struggles and trials forge strength and depth as well as compassion and love in our souls.

          The "important" things that we are so busy with -  changing diapers, doing dishes, vacuuming, solving disputes between siblings, reading storybooks, wiping noses, doing endless loads of laundry, making millions of meals,  baking birthday cakes, calming fears, playing games, growing a garden together and snapping green beans, freezing corn, rocking fussy babies, serving others together, loving Jesus together, and on and on - these are "important" things that fill our lives and have filled my life.  Little things, endless things.  We tend to wonder when we are going to do really "important work".  But after all these years, I am convinced that although most of our world scorns these things, indeed,  these are the most important things of life!  Life is not made up of big, monumental things, but it is made up of hundreds and millions of little things.  Giving my all to be faithful in the little things each day adds up to a brilliant glow at the end of my life.  The battle to believe this is huge in the heart, and not easily conquered.  It takes a visionary soul and takes an understanding trust in Jesus that goes beyond comprehension.  We will be rewarded for giving a cup of cold water in Jesus' name. And if Jesus rewards us for one cup, what will His reward be for millions of cups!

          Take heart, with joy and gratefulness do the "important" things in life.  Shine ever brighter as you age and know that Jesus is watching you with tender love.  Not only is He watching, He is applauding!  So few desire to be faithful in the little things.  So many desire to do the big things.  Jesus wonders if you will humble yourself to do the little thing.  He was the servant and demonstrated how to do the little thing.  Will you do the "work" that counts for eternity?                

Friday, September 23, 2016

Covered by Grace

          The screech of a hawk is eerie and creates panic among the songbirds of the yard.  This one was causing concern for a few days because he seemed bent upon having a good dinner at the expense of someone else.  When the enemy prowls around, it causes us to run for cover, just as this hawk causes the songbirds to hideout.  Don't we see the enemy of our souls roaring throughout the world now seeking whom he may devour!  On every side, there is cause for fear, completely worldwide down to individual families.  

          This week we have started a new study on the book of Psalms.  Amazing book! Amazing, awesome God who wrote it!  It is going to be a great study this year, and I want to saturate my soul in it.  Psalm 107:1 - 2 this morning combats our fear as well as our enemy.  "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!   For His mercy (lovingkindness) endures forever.  Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy."  No way do we have the ability to combat the enemy in ourselves.  Scripture teaches us to stand in Christ and in His completed work at the cross.  His lovingkindness has bought us back from the power of sin within us and has delivered us from the hand of the enemy.  Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!  David wrote about half the Psalms and his experience with God is revealed all through the Psalms.  The enemy tried to destroy David, but he constantly clung to God and took cover under His wing even through his failings.  We also take "cover" under the wings of our God and Savior, just as the songbirds take cover.  May we forever be grateful!

          There is a newer song that has been playing through my soul, "Covered". What an encouragement to take cover in the grace offered us through the cross of Christ!  Listen and take great joy in our Savior, Jesus Christ, who has defeated our enemy.             K.C.

         (Note - this is a lively version. :)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Hidden Treasures



          Watering several plants today revealed some hidden treasures peaking out from leaves covering them.  None of these did I realize were in my garden!  Foliage covered each lovely blossom.  Just happening to catch a glimpse of bright color made me stop to cut away leaves and unbury these lovelies.  It is like this in our hearts, too.  So much busyness, so many cares, so many demands take over and cover up what God is speaking to our hearts or working on in us.  We don't spend enough time with Him in His Word or quiet our souls to hear His voice.  So the treasures stay hidden for quite a while.  Not until we stop, take stock, and cut out some encroaching brush, do we see these gifts from God.  What is thought provoking to me is that the leaves I cleared out were other lovely plants that had spread,  not unwanted weeds.  Each of us have responsibilities and tasks that are necessary and good, but the one good thing, the one best thing is time with Jesus Christ.   He is my life, my true treasure, and His beauty thrills my soul.  May it be so with you, too.                                           K.C.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

God's Garden of Renown

Oh, what a garden our Lord God Almighty has made!  His garden is so massive and breathtaking that we can hardly take it in to our souls!  Nothing like my piddly acre in my minute corner of the earth.  God's garden takes in the whole world!  This summer we took a long road trip through God's garden in four states and four provinces. What glorious sights and scenes that set us in our place - humbled at God's feet!  The Rockies and Glacier were awesome gardens that around every corner and every bend a new sight met our eyes.  Only more awesome is our Maker who designed and spoke His Word to create such majesty!

It is evident to me that God has put into our hearts the need for gardens.  Though some may not want to do the labor involved in keeping a garden, everyone loves to gaze upon a lovely garden.  From the Garden of Eden in the beginning to the garden of renown our Lord will create for His people in the Millennial Kingdom, we continually seek to live among gardens.  God designed us to live in His garden and shine for His glory, and we will not be content until that is fully accomplished.  In Ezekiel 34:25 - 31 the Lord gives a bit of the description of this Kingdom.  It will be peaceful and showers of blessing will flow, trees will yield fruit and the earth increase, safety and freedom, no more hunger or bondage, and God will raise up a garden of renown!  Then we will truly know the Lord our God is with us and that we belong to Him.  What a promise!

When we look upon God's beauty He has created let's remember and look forward to all He has promised.  Each small glimpse of beauty is meant to draw us to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and praise Him for rescuing us from ourselves.  He has a glorious plan for our future for all of eternity and in that plan we will live in His awesome garden.  Praise His name!                                                 K.C.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

I'll Stand

          Came across Psalm 20:8 early this morning.  "They have bowed down and fallen; but we have risen and stand upright."  It reminded me of my old Bible where I had kept track in my reading of all the times "stand" was used.  Hundreds of times this word shed much light upon God's desire for us to rise and stand in His light in order to be light.  This calla lily this morning reminded me of God's design to beautify us when we stand for Him in a dark and messy world.  Just look at the elegant lines and  simple design of this lovely flower!  Soft green dissolves into pure white as this flower unfolds.  It is hard to really describe the beauty of this elegant flower.  

          One of the amazing thoughts this calla lily brings to mind is that it is just what God asks of us:  to quietly just stand before Him reflecting His beauty and light.   This lily stands right outside our window so I can admire it.  God admires His work in us, too.   Isn't Jesus gracious to give us this incredible privilege!! It is not anything of our own power or work.  We just reflect His work.  Psalm 30:7 says, "Lord, by Your favor You have made my mountain stand strong...."   His power, His work, His clothes, His strength, His favor, His Spirit, His beauty......  that is what makes us stand.  And He tells us for protection to just stand.  I Peter 5:9 tells us to resist the devil who prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  In the original, to resist is to stand against.  Just stand, clothed in the humility of Jesus Christ.  Our Savior is awesome!  So stand for Him!                 K.C.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Spring Beauties

          Something about this time of year - new beginnings - freshness - anticipation - the beauty of God's marvelous works in creating such luxurious flowers - brings hope to my tired soul.  Knowing that God has such creative skill and such knowledge of great detail in creating flowers gives me strength in trusting Him for the needs of my life.    Jesus tells us that we are clothed with more beauty than the lilies of the field.  Now that is hard to believe!  He is at work in my life and yours making us more beautiful than these lovely flowers!  What God creates reflects His character.  Just as each of these flowers reflect His beauty and skill,  I reflect Him in a way no one else can.  Just as lilacs are a different beauty than forsythia, each of us are different beauties to the Lord.  My praise to God cannot take the place of yours.  My service to the Lord is not like yours.  It is not a competitive race we are in, but a relationship with Jesus to reflect Him and bring His glory to this world.    He desires us to grow in beauty and character the more we learn to know and study Him.  It is not that I decide to be a rose or a tulip and work at it.  Way more simple - it is focusing on Jesus and letting Him decide what He wants me to be.  He teaches me and molds me by sending different people, experiences, trials, and tests to my life in just the right way.  It sure brings a freedom to my tired soul to know that Jesus is at work for me, in me, and through me.  He refreshes and restores and remakes me in His own way.  He clothes me, it is His work, and His way is always perfect to form me into His beauty.   
                    "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God;
                      for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered
                      me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with
                      ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.  For as the
                      earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown
                      in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise
                      to spring forth before all the nations."   Isaiah 61:10 - 11         


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Little Understanding

          Studying this absolutely flawless orchid in the same week I am studying God's justice and mercy gives me a visual picture.  Our God is flawless and pure in all His character and in all His ways.  How can I understand Someone so holy and pure when I am not?  What use is there to even try to define God's justice or His mercy?  My definition is surely limited by my own  human weakness and failings.   God's perfect justice and His lovingkindness and mercy meet at the cross of Jesus Christ.  Only pure Jesus satisfied the Father's justice and holiness that demands payment for my sin and out of that flows His grace and mercy.  Now those are some things to meditate on!  Our God is awesome and beyond comprehension!

          How to apply even the little bit I do understand about God's justice and mercy is the question.  God is setting out to work His life through us.  We see pain and obvious stress everywhere we look.  We ask God, why don't You do something?  But God is asking us the same question.  Why don't you do something?  So just studying God's justice and mercy doesn't quite cut it.  When I truly start understanding that my God has spilled His blood to take care of justice for me,  then I start understanding that God is telling me to do something.  It is more than seeing God in His justice and mercy for me.  It is understanding that He is endeavoring to work that out in me also.  Rather than seeing the entire need of the world and throwing my hands up in despair,  God is telling me to see the need right in front of my eyes.  To get involved.  To share the load.  Of even one person to start with. To give a cup of cold water.  To demonstrate tangible mercy toward another person.    

          Out of a grateful heart for all that Jesus has done for me, my desire is to imitate Him.  He tells me in Ephesians 5:1 - 2, "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.  And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."    I guess my life demonstrates what understanding I truly have of the endless kindness of God my Savior.  He can't be fooled and I don't want to fool myself.  Lord, have mercy on me.      K.C.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Those Monsters

Whatever is crossing the sidewalk in the dark?  


          Coming home the other day in a literal downpour, I thought a stick had blown up on the sidewalk.  As I unloaded my bags into the house I noticed the "stick" had moved.  Hmmm.  Slowly, the orange salamander crept across the sidewalk making it's way into the bushes.   I can't say that I like creepy crawly slimy things that crawl across our sidewalk.  But you never know what the rain will bring.  

          Yes, you never know what the downpour will bring into your life.  It takes a lot of water coming down to bring the salamanders to your sidewalk.  I was thinking on this especially because it was such a wet day.  When the waters of adversity rise in our lives, "creepy things" in us come out for display.  Monsters like fear. Or dread.  Or anger.  Or .....  Those are just some of the monsters that come out of my heart and they aren't very pretty either.  The Lord has His ways of refining and polishing us and one of those ways is adversity or trial.  I so want to trust Jesus for His work in me and in others, but the real truth of my trust  comes out when I am pressed.   

          So, instead of gazing at the circumstances, I am choosing to gaze at Jesus to know Him deeper and fuller.  He says He is full of that marvelous faithful lovingkindness toward me;  He says He is in control of my life;  He says He works all things together for my good;  He says He is on my side;  He says He will never leave me;  He says He is full of mercy;  He says I have complete access to His throne;  He says He will comfort me;  He says His Word is my life;  He says He is good and brings me good;  He says He is my rest and security and refuge;  He says He is gracious;  He says if my foot slips He will hold me up;  He says I can camp underneath His wing.  And the list goes on and on.  When I speak these truths to my soul, something happens within.  Joy floods my soul even though the outward circumstances haven't changed and even though they become even more difficult.  Because this life is not about me, it is about bringing glory to Jesus Christ.  He receives glory when I gaze at Him.  My soul longs and desires to bring Him glory, even when life gets tough.  

          When the monsters come out I just go back to thinking on Jesus.  And He is near.  He doesn't allow monsters in His camp.  He chases them away.  What a Savior!                  K.C.



Friday, January 1, 2016

The Cherubs

          Fourteen cherubs!  What a crew!  Amazing life ahead for them.  A fresh new year starting today!  God has plans for each of them that will give great satisfaction and joy in life and bring glory to Jesus.  They already have ideas and dreams about their direction in life.  Several want to be ranchers, some want to be mommies, some engineers, missionaries or teachers.  If they could only look ahead they might make a few different choices in life wouldn't they?  My prayer for them is to choose to focus on knowing God and loving Him.  That is pretty much what this blog is for - them.  As they grow up and face life that their Grandma's voice might encourage their love of Jesus.  They might choose to eat less, exercise more, study more, spend less, and countless other things.  But I desire that they love  God deeper each day, be forgiving, kind, patient, be grateful and less demanding of their own way, more concerned for speaking salvation to others.  Would WE choose God's plan and way instead of plowing ahead determined to succeed in this world?  Since they nor we can know the future and only God does, the wise choice would be to study God more, listen to Him more, trust Him more, follow His agenda.   What do you think?

          As the years continue to speed by, my heart narrows in what is really vital in life.  The world's success is fleeting at best,  its rewards and toys never enough, and it's satisfactions evaporate.  Telling my cherubs these things just sounds hollow.  They have to experience disappointments and failures in order to really understand that God's ways and truth are the way of life.  So my prayer for them is that they will see very early the difference between the perfect plan of God and the world's plan for them. That is my prayer for you and me as well.  Even at our age.   Because the love and plan of Jesus is so grand our hearts cannot even imagine it!                                                                                   K.C.