Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Little Understanding

          Studying this absolutely flawless orchid in the same week I am studying God's justice and mercy gives me a visual picture.  Our God is flawless and pure in all His character and in all His ways.  How can I understand Someone so holy and pure when I am not?  What use is there to even try to define God's justice or His mercy?  My definition is surely limited by my own  human weakness and failings.   God's perfect justice and His lovingkindness and mercy meet at the cross of Jesus Christ.  Only pure Jesus satisfied the Father's justice and holiness that demands payment for my sin and out of that flows His grace and mercy.  Now those are some things to meditate on!  Our God is awesome and beyond comprehension!

          How to apply even the little bit I do understand about God's justice and mercy is the question.  God is setting out to work His life through us.  We see pain and obvious stress everywhere we look.  We ask God, why don't You do something?  But God is asking us the same question.  Why don't you do something?  So just studying God's justice and mercy doesn't quite cut it.  When I truly start understanding that my God has spilled His blood to take care of justice for me,  then I start understanding that God is telling me to do something.  It is more than seeing God in His justice and mercy for me.  It is understanding that He is endeavoring to work that out in me also.  Rather than seeing the entire need of the world and throwing my hands up in despair,  God is telling me to see the need right in front of my eyes.  To get involved.  To share the load.  Of even one person to start with. To give a cup of cold water.  To demonstrate tangible mercy toward another person.    

          Out of a grateful heart for all that Jesus has done for me, my desire is to imitate Him.  He tells me in Ephesians 5:1 - 2, "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.  And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."    I guess my life demonstrates what understanding I truly have of the endless kindness of God my Savior.  He can't be fooled and I don't want to fool myself.  Lord, have mercy on me.      K.C.