Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hammock Heart

          This lovely hammock taught me a few lessons this past summer.  After spending massive energy all summer on a long list of items, I was over-ready for vacation.  Aren't we all?  Our idea of vacation though, is not to go, go, go, see, see, see.  Our idea of vacation is to screech to a complete halt!  It is to have hours upon hours of quiet, solitude, peaceful surroundings with a view of nature that God has created with utmost detail and care.  It is to have endless hours to read and chew on God's Word.  It is to admire our most Beautiful Jesus Christ and His lovingkindness, mercy, and grace.  But, normal life is not made of such hours, so we end up having to return home.  

          Back to the hammock.  Nothing accomplished, nothing checked off my list, nothing cleaned, ironed, cooked, weeded, studied, written, read, or fixed.  Seems like a waste doesn't it?  Hammock time with no expectations.  What a refueler, refresher, rewinder!  Not even expecting any extraordinary word from the Lord is  is a breath of heavenly air!   In our daily times with the Lord we have lists and expectations of what we want to receive or express to Him.  But extra special time with Jesus is when I can just be with Him.  Period.  You know how it is when someone just wants to be with you without needing anything from you.  It is so refreshing!  That's how it is for me in the hammock with Jesus.  Filling up with His presence.  Experiencing the peaceful joy of His love.  This is what I wanted to take home with me.  

          So, coming home from vacation,  I purposed to set aside more time in the hammock -  to grow a hammock-heart.  When times get overly busy, I can get overwhelmed with lists and tasks.  Or I can purposely slow down, simplify, and get un-busy.  Why am I trying to accomplish so much in such a short time?  What is the purpose of my long list?  Who am I trying to please?  Who will it help?  Where will it end?  No.  It will not end, unless I choose to stop.  I desire to spend more time in the Lord's presence - with no agenda other than enjoying Him.  What a goal!  What a joy!              K.C.

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